Sunrise Sea Reflection

Catalyst Life Coaching

For handling daily life and overcoming the past


Who is it for?

This style of work will suit you if you are looking for a flexible and compassionate approach that is less formal than traditional talking therapies.

If you are experiencing any of the following, then I will be able to help:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Hopelessness
  • Overwhelm
  • Stress
  • Anger
  • Exhaustion
  • Spiritual crisis


My personal style of coaching is down-to-earth, straight-talking and highly intuitive. This works well for sensitive and empathic individuals, and those in the creative or caring professions.

Using positive psychology, I help you to gain confidence in your own abilities and personal qualities and to work out what you really want and need.

Sometimes the main focus is on mending psychological damage. Sometimes it is about re-discovering meaning in life, if you have reached a point where your job and relationships do not seem to fit any more. If there is a spiritual basis to the problems you are experiencing, I will be able to identify this and guide you.

I am open to talking about experiences that may seem unusual, frightening, or even other-worldly. The human mind is capable of more than we yet understand and sometimes it can seem to play tricks on us. My view is that whatever you experience is your reality, even if you can’t explain it and other people struggle to understand. We will work with what is true for you.

I am here to provide guidance and support for as long as you feel you need it.


Why Catalyst Coaching gives you a better foundation

A catalyst is something which instigates change. Unlike other coaching methods, Catalyst Coaching is not limited to goal-setting.

It can be very difficult to move forward with your life if you are weighed down by events from the past or confined by your present circumstances.

So we start by dealing with what is holding you back, giving you the insight and confidence to see where you want to go and what you need to do.

We work to restore your strength, sense of identity, direction and purpose. When you feel secure and grounded in yourself then you will find yourself more able to take the steps that did not seem possible, and progress naturally follows.


How coaching works

We start by looking at where you are now, the issues you are up against, and your priorities for what you’d like to deal with most urgently.

I will ask you to think about how you’d like your life to look and how you want to be feeling in yourself. This might change as we go along, but it’s good to have something to aim for as this helps you to see your own progress.

You need to be ready to challenge your own thoughts, beliefs and opinions. Sometimes you will need to dig deep into uncomfortable feelings in order to get past what’s blocking you. The more you commit to working on yourself the faster change will happen in your life.

We book an hour’s session approximately every 2 weeks and sometimes there will be homework for you to take away.



Coaching only  –   £60 per 1 hour session

Coaching + another therapy  –   £60 per hour / £90 per 90 mins



Please contact me if you have any questions. I am happy to make time for an informal chat so that you can decide if this is the right approach for you.

I am available Monday to Saturday for enquiries and appointments. To find out more please contact me at   or  07563 687108

Coaching can be carried out by phone or Zoom.




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